
lib wp2


DEUC offers a good library system.  The library is equipped with 7625 books, periodicals, national and international Journals, 125 Ph.D theses, 1416 M.Ed dissertations and covers all aspects of academic studies and research materials in Education. The Library is open on all days 10 A.M to 5 P.M except for calendar holidays. 



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  • ERIC



  1. Students, staff and faculty of the Education Department are the members of the library.
  2. Books are issued for a period of one month and an overdue charge of 50 paise per volume shall be levied for a book not returned. Overdue charges for a reference book is Rs 5/per day. Failure to clear all outstanding dues within six months may entail the forfeiture of membership.
  3. Renewal of books: Loan may be renewed at the discretion of the librarian for a further period of one month provided that the request for renewal reached the librarian before the due date and that no other member has reserved the book in the meantime. But not more than two consecutive renewals are permitted.
  4. Before leaving the counter the members shall satisfy themselves whether the book lent to him is in sound condition and if not, shall immediately bring the matter to the notice of staff on duty. Otherwise, the member will be held responsible for any damage found afterwards.
  5. In case a book is damaged or lost, the borrower is requested to replace the book by the latest or same edition, or he/she will be required to pay four times the published price of book plus 20% of the published price as procurement charges and also overdue charges if any.
  6. The retention of a book beyond a period of six months from the due date without any satisfactory explanation may lead to the cancellation of membership.
  7. In order to get the Clearance Certificate, members should return all books and readers tickets issued to them and clear overdue charges, if any.



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